p: 805-822-4506 e: Hamilton Design c: Contact Us
We Design Custom Catering Websites
for Free ... plus, we Guarantee
Superior Catering Leads!

Building Your Customer Trust
Sales guru Zig Ziglar once said that there are only 4 reasons why people won’t buy from you:
No need
No money
Not in a hurry
No Trust
You can only do so much about the first three but you sure can do a lot about building trust. Detailed below is how your desktop & mobile websites "should" be designed to build the trust you need:
Create a professional looking website. In your case Women quickly evaluate a your site by visual design alone. When designing your site, pay attention to layout, typography, images, consistency issues, & more. Amateur-looking websites kill trust. If you are serious about what you want to do, we'd advise hiring a professional catering website design team.
Make it easy to contact you. A simple way to boost your site’s credibility is by making your contact information clear: Phone Number, Email Address & Contact Us Forms. Make them as tastefully prevalent as possible on every page.
Make your site easy to use & useful. Research shows that sites win credibility points by being both easy to use & useful. Your website navigation can make or break a user’s experience. Learn how to get it right and ensure happy, returning customers. Some website designers forget about users when they cater to their own company’s ego or try to show the dazzling things they can do with web technology. That's not good.
Ask your customers to fill in as few fields as necessary on the Contact Us Form. Don’t ask for anything that you don’t need in order to fulfill their initial request. Just enough to followup with. An "Event Date" is a great field to ask for your catering business. Right?
You may have some questions about Building Customer Trust so please get in touch with us by phone - text at 805-822-4506, email The Team or use our short Contact Us Form.