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We Design Custom Catering Websites
for Free ... plus, we Guarantee
Superior Catering Leads!

Hosting & Maintenance
If your catering or restaurant website Hosting & Maintenance is a problem for you, we are the solution ... we monitor your websites daily.
Having trouble finding your website designer?
Need to update menu prices fast?
Can't get updates or marketing updates (holidays, yearly menus, etc.) made to your website in a timely manner?
Does your website manager fix one thing and break another?
Maybe your web developer tells you that something is done, but it isn't?
You are not getting enough traffic to your websites?
You lack enough "valid catering leads"?
Active websites require constant monitoring. You might be Introducing new products, update menus, wanting to feature certain Holidays or Catering Services, new images & revised copy, or just making some minor changes. We help our clients with their requests within hours!
We monitor both websites daily to ensure everything is working correctly. This is most important during your initial website launch. Frankly we monitor all the time, looking for perfection.
Website Hosting & Maintenance for caterers & restaurants is $34.95 per month which includes our SEO Basic Smart Marketing™ services. For more elaborate e-Commerce websites, we should chat. Hosting & Maintenance is also 100% guaranteed!